
You can be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses when you spend your own money for an eligible medical expense.


Submitting Expenses for Reimbursement

You have until March 31 of the year following the year you incur the expense to apply for reimbursement. For example, if you receive medical services on July 8, 2024, you must submit your request for reimbursement, along with your receipts, to the Fund by March 31, 2025.


Use the online portal to submit health expenses for reimbursement and see your account activity, including the status of your claims.

  1. Log in to the CCPU Health portal.  
  2. Select “Reimbursement” (Note: This button will only display for providers who have been approved.) 
  3. Select “Request for Reimbursement” or “Send Payment” under the “I want to…” section.
  4. If submitting more than one reimbursement, select “Add Another” from the Transaction Summary page. Then agree to the terms and conditions and select “Submit.”
  5. If you did not upload a receipt, you can upload the receipt from this screen or print a Claim Confirmation Form to submit to the Fund with the required receipts.

Paper form

  1. Download and complete the reimbursement form in your preferred language. 
  2. Attach a copy of your receipt that shows the dollar amount of your request, the provider (doctor, pharmacy, etc.), date of service/payment, and who the service was for. 
  3. Then send it via email to [email protected] or mail it to: 

CCPU Health Care Fund
P.O. Box 57027
Irvine, CA 92619

When to expect payment 

In most cases, you will receive a response within 30 days of when the Fund receives your claim. If the Fund Office needs additional time, a response will be sent to you within 45 days of receipt of your request. 

You will be notified if additional information is required. If you do not provide the additional information, the Fund Office will decide your request based on the information it has.

Determine Your Eligibility

Submit Expenses for Reimbursement

Use the online portal to submit health expenses for reimbursement and see your account activity, including the status of your claims.

Am I eligible for CCPU Heathcare Reimbursement Fund benefits?

Answer these simple questions to determine your potential program eligibility.

CCPU Health Care Fund

By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use.

To complete your application online, you’ll need proof of coverage for your health plan (a document showing your name as the policyholder, the name of your insurance plan, the coverage period, and the amount you pay for coverage).

If you don’t have an account for the CCPU Health Care Fund portal, you can sign up now with your email address and mobile phone number.

Questions? Call (833) 714-6028 or email [email protected].