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If you’ve read through this website and your question is still not answered, you might find the answer here! If not, contact CCPU at [email protected] or (833) 714-6028 for additional assistance.


What is the CCPU Healthcare Fund?

The CCPU Health Care Fund is a trust, a legal entity created to provide Eligible Providers reimbursement for covered health care costs.

Does CCPU’s Health Care Fund provide health insurance?

No, the CCPU Health Care Fund does not provide health insurance and is not a Qualified Health Plan. It is a reimbursement plan that works with your Qualified Health Plan. In fact, you cannot enroll in the CCPU Health Care Fund unless you have a Qualified Health Plan. If you are not insured, you will need to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan available to you. Please click here for help enrolling in a Qualified Health Plan.

When can I sign up? Where can I learn more?

Applications for the CCPU Health Care Fund are available on our website. Sign up to get updates via text or email on Be sure to enroll in a Qualified Health Plan during open enrollment to ensure you are eligible for the CCPU’s Health Care Fund benefits.

What is a premium?

A premium is the amount a provider pays for a health plan each month, whether or not the plan was used.

What are covered Qualified Health Plan Reimbursable Expenses?

Reimbursable Health Plan expenses are dollars you pay for your share of the Qualified Health Plan’s cost of health care services, such as deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.

Are there any fees associated with signing up for the Health Care Fund?

No, there are not any fees to apply for the CCPU Health Care Fund. However, providers need to meet the initial eligibility requirements of working with a subsidized child for 3 out of 6 months, be enrolled in a Qualified Health Plan, and complete a CCPU Health Care Fund application.

What is a subsidized child?

A subsidized child is a child for whom a family receives government-sponsored financial assistance expressly intended to pay for childcare. For providers, this means their fee to care for a child is reimbursed in whole or in part through a government assistance program. The subsidy must come from a qualified state-funded program. Please note that local or county-funded assistance programs do not count toward qualifying for the benefit.


How will I know if I meet the CCPU Health Care Fund eligibility by being a part of the child care subsidy program?

Eligibility will be verified following a Provider’s completion of the CCPU Health Care Fund enrollment application. Please check for the latest information and updates.

What if there are multiple providers on one license? For example, if I have three people under my license – my daughter, my assistant, and myself. Who is eligible?

Currently, the CCPU Health Care Fund covers only one provider per license. If you have multiple individuals listed on your license, like the example shown above, benefits will be extended on a “first come, first served basis” – that means that the first provider on that license to apply for benefits is the only one eligible to enroll.

Do I have to join a labor union to receive the funds?

No, you are not required to be a member of the Union to receive benefits from the CCPU Health Care Fund.

Is my family eligible for expense reimbursement through the CCPU Health Care Fund?

No, your family is not covered through the CCPU Health Care Fund. We do encourage you to sign up your family through the Affordable Care Act because it is likely that you can find affordable insurance for them.

Do I qualify if I am an undocumented worker?

If you are not a legal resident of the United States, are above the income threshold to qualify for Medi-Cal, and are not eligible for Covered California, you are still eligible for up to $9,450 in reimbursement of health insurance out-of-pocket expenses and up to $200 per month in premium reimbursement. You must enroll in a silver-level HMO to qualify.

You may enroll directly with a carrier of your choice to satisfy the qualified health plan requirement. Review our Insurance Carrier Direct Benefits Guide for guidance.

What if I am not enrolled in an eligible plan with Covered California?

If you need to change plans to qualify for the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund program, you can change your plan all year long with Covered California.

When you call them, advise that you are a Child Care Provider with CCPU, and you need to change your plan.

If there is any pushback, ask them to review their knowledge base guidance titled:

Special Enrollment Period for Child Care Providers for instructions on the QLE and how to process your request.

Remember, once this is completed to provide proof of the change to CCPU at [email protected] and we will update your application and process.

If I’m not enrolled in a QHP now is there a deadline to change my current plan to be in a QHP?

Covered California is currently allowing CCPU providers to enroll throughout 2025. We highly encourage all eligible providers to enroll as soon as possible to gain access to these benefits.

How long does the application take to get approved?

The turnaround time for application processing is 3 business days. Depending on the exact case, eligibility determinations can take additional days (additional documentation needed, QHP enrollment assistance, etc).

Qualified Health Plans

Who can help me enroll in a qualified health insurance plan?

Go to our Healthplan Enrollment Page to see how to get help enrolling in a qualified medical plan.

Why does the CCPU Health Care Fund cover only HMO plans and not PPO plans?

HMO plans are the most cost-efficient plans and provide the maximum value of benefits to the most people to fit within the CCPU Health Care Fund’s budget.

Why does the CCPU Health Care Fund cover only Silver-level HMO plans on Covered California?

Silver-level plans are the most cost-efficient plans and maximize the cost assistance available and allow the CCPU Health Care Fund to provide the richest benefits to the most people.

What is an employer-sponsored health plan as an employee, spouse or dependent?

This is a health insurance plan provided by employers for their employees, and potentially, their dependents. For instance, you could have a second job and receive coverage through your employer; or you could be a dependent on your spouse’s or parents’ employer-sponsored health plan.

Can I enroll directly with the carrier of my choosing?

Carrier direct plans are only eligible if you do not qualify for Covered California due to immigration status. If you are undocumented, you must enroll in a silver-level HMO with the insurance carrier of your choice in order to satisfy the qualified health plan requirement for program participation. If you enroll in a carrier direct plan in any other scenario, you will not qualify for this program.


Will I have to pay taxes on benefits I receive from the CCPU Health Care Fund?

No. The CCPU Health Care Fund’s reimbursement of Qualified Health Plan Out of Pocket Expenses and reimbursement of your Qualified Health Plan premium cost on your Qualified Health Plan is not taxable income to you. However, any cash benefit that is not used for reimbursement of medical expenses, however, will be taxable.

What benefits are available if I am eligible for an employer group health plan as an employee?

If you are enrolled in your employer group health plan as an employee, you are eligible for two types of benefits: up to $9,450 in reimbursement of Health Plan out-of-pocket expenses and up to $100 per month in premium reimbursement.

What benefits are available to providers who are eligible for an employer group health plan as a spouse or child (dependent of an employee)?

Providers eligible for an employer group health plan as a dependent are eligible for two options for CCPU Health Care Fund benefits. If you choose to enroll in that employer group health plan, you will receive up to $9,450 in reimbursement of Qualified Health Plan out-of-pocket expenses and up to $100 per month in premium reimbursement. If you choose to enroll in Cover California as your Qualified Health Plan, you will receive up to $9,450 in reimbursement of Qualified Health Plan out-of-pocket expenses and full reimbursement of your premiums for your Silver HMO plan.

What benefits are available to Medi-Cal enrollees?

If you are on Medi-Cal and meet the eligibility criteria, you are eligible to receive a benefit of $200 per month for Reimbursable Expenses.

What are Permissible Health Expenses for Medi-Cal?

Permissible Health Expenses if you are enrolled in Medi-Cal are health care expenses that are not covered by your Medi-Cal plan.

I am on a family plan through Covered California. What expenses are reimbursable?

The CCPU Health Care Fund will reimburse eligible providers for expenses like medical copays and deductibles, pharmacy copays and deductibles, and Qualified Health Plan monthly premiums. These expenses are only reimbursed for you (the enrolled provider); expenses for other family members are not covered.

Are dental and vision benefits available?

Dental and vision benefits are not available; however, the CCPU Health Care Fund is looking to enhance the benefits available for future plan years if feasible.

Do the CCPU Health Care Funds roll over to the next plan year?

No, the CCPU Health Care Funds do not roll over. The benefits will reset each plan year if you meet the eligibility criteria.

Dental and Vision

When will Dental and Vision benefits be available?

Dental and Vision benefits with be available this summer! The tentative start date is July 1, 2024.

Who will be the dental and vision carrier?


What are the benefits I will receive for dental and vision?

Visit the website that MetLife set up for CCPU providers for more information. The address is

How can I get more information about the dental and vision benefits?

MetLife has set up a site just for CCPU providers. You can visit the site, use the free MetLife app, or call MetLife for more information. Here’s how:

  • Website: or scan the QR code below.
  • Mobile App: Download the free MetLife US Mobile app on your mobile device.
  • Phone Numbers
    • Dental: 800-GET-MET8 (800-438-6388)
    • Vision: 855-MET-EYE1 (855-638-3931)
Do I need to apply for dental or vision benefits?

If you are already enrolled in the CCPU Health Care Fund’s Reimbursement Program, you don’t need to do anything. You will be enrolled in dental and vision benefits automatically. If you’re not already enrolled, we encourage you to enroll today.

Is there a cost associated with Dental and Vision benefits?

All CCPU Health Care Fund benefits are FREE for providers!

Do these benefits cover spouse and/or dependents?

No. CCPU Health Care Fund benefits are for childcare providers only and do not extend to family of providers.

Can I choose between the DHMO or DPPO plans for dental?

No. Plans are assigned based on where you live.

Do I need to submit claims for dental and vision benefits?

If you go to an in-network provider, you do not need to submit a claim form. Your provider will take care of that. If you go to an out-of-network provider, you may need to pay up front and then submit a claim to MetLife for reimbursement.

Can I use my CCPU Healthcare Reimbursement debit cards to pay for my dental or vision out-of-pocket costs?

No. The CCPU debit card is only eligible for medical reimbursements. Dental and vision out-of-pocket expenses are not eligible. However, there is an exception if you have permissible expense benefits because you are covered by Medi-Cal or Medi-Medi.

What if I already have dental and/or vision coverage? Do I have to cancel one?

No. You do not need to cancel your other coverage unless you wish to. You can keep your current coverage and add CCPU Health Care Fund dental and vision coverage, This will reduce you’re your out-of-pocket expenses even more. You are allowed to have two dental or two vision insurance coverages.


What do I need to complete the application for the CCPU Health Care Fund?

To complete your application, you will need the following information:

  • Profile information about you as the provider
  • Information about your medical health insurance plan
  • A copy of your health plan proof of coverage *
*This documentation should provide details that verify your name as the policy holder, your health care plan name, and the coverage period.
What is the deadline to apply for benefits?

Because eligibility is determined quarterly, the deadline to apply for benefits is the last day of the quarter:
March 31st for a Q1 enrollment, June 30th for Q2 enrollment, September 30th for Q3 enrollment and December 31 for Q4 enrollment.
For example, if a provider submits a completed application November 30, and meets initial eligibility requirements, they will be approved effective October 1 (given they have a qualified health plan effective October 1), and will be able to be reimbursed for covered expenses from October – December.


What is the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Consumer Portal?

This one-stop portal gives you 24/7 access to view information and manage your Reimbursement Accounts. It enables you to:

  • File a reimbursement online
  • Upload receipts and track expenses
  • View up-to-the-minute account balances
  • View your account activity, reimbursement request history and payment history
  • Report a lost/stolen Card and request a new one
  • Change your login ID and/or password
  • Download plan information, forms and notifications
How do I login to the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Consumer Portal?
  1. Go to the CCPU Health Portal
  2. Enter your login ID and password
  3. Click Login
  4. Click on Reimbursement button (Note: This button will only display for Providers who have been approved.)
How do I submit a reimbursement request? How do I get reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses?

Providers can be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses where they spent their own money upfront.  You can submit the request via the online portal or via the CCPU Health app.

To be submit your reimbursement request via paper, please visit Resources – Forms and select the reimbursement form in the language preferred. Fill the form out with the appropriate information and be sure to attach a copy of your receipt that shows the dollar amount of your request, when the service occurred, and when it was paid. You can submit via:

Email: [email protected]

Mail: CCPU Health Care Fund
P.O. Box 57027
Irvine, CA 92619

To submit your reimbursement request via online:

  1. Go to the CCPU Health Portal
  2. Enter your login ID and password
  3. Click Login
  4. Click on Reimbursement button (Note: This button will only display for Providers who have been approved.)

Once you are logged in,

  1. On the Home Page, you may simply select Request for Reimbursement or Send Payment under the “I want to…” section, OR from any page on the portal, expand the Accounts tab on the top of the screen.
  2. The reimbursement claim filing wizard will walk you through the request, including entry of information, payee details and uploading a receipt.
  3. For submitting more than one reimbursement, click Add Another from the Transaction Summary page.
  4. When all reimbursements are entered in the Transaction Summary, agree to the terms and conditions and click Submit to send the reimbursements for processing.
  5. The Claim Confirmation page displays. You may print the Claim Confirmation Form as a record of your submission.

If you did not upload a receipt, you can upload the receipt from this screen or print a Claim Confirmation Form to submit to the administrator with the required receipts.

How do I get my first premium paid? I can’t afford to pay it up front.

If you need assistance making your initial premium payment for your Qualified Health Plan, please submit a Reimbursement Request Form with your initial premium bill and ensure it contains the following information: Your Name, the name of the plan, the effective date, the premium amount and the Advance Premium Tax Credit applied, if applicable. It is preferable to make this request at the same time you apply for this program, and you are encouraged to submit as soon as possible to ensure your plan isn’t cancelled by the provider.

You can submit the request with your initial application by:

  1. Accessing Step 3- Proof of Coverage, selecting the “Add Another Upload” button.
  2. From the drop down, select “Premium Billing Statement” and upload the appropriate documentation.
  3. After, selecting the “Add Another Upload” button, and selecting ‘Other’ from the drop down and uploading your completed Reimbursement Request Form.
Can I be reimbursed for pharmacy costs? What about braces? Dental expenses?

Yes, this program benefit will reimburse you for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred from covered pharmacy expenses. It does not cover over-the-counter medication costs that don’t have an associated co-pay, coinsurance, or deductible.

Dental and vision benefits are not available; however, the CCPU Health Care Fund is looking to enhance the benefits available for future plan years if feasible.

What do I need in order to be reimbursed for an approved expense?

In order to have an out-of-pocket or premium expense reimbursed, log into the portal and submit the reimbursement request electronically by selecting the “Reimbursement Request” button. The system will walk you through the required information to make the request, which includes a receipt that shows the dollar amount of your request, when the service occurred, and the date of payment.

You can also submit the request via mail or email by submitting a completed Reimbursement Request Form with signature and  a receipt that shows the dollar amount of your request, when the service occurred, and the date of payment.

What do I do if a reimbursement claim is denied, and I think it’s wrong?

If your application for eligibility is denied or you submit a reimbursement claim and we deny payment, you can request we do a 2nd review of your submitted information. Please submit the request via customer service at (833) 714-6028, or via email at [email protected].

When submitting a reimbursement request for premiums, should I select the Premium Expense account, or the Out-of-Pocket Expense Account?

When submitting expenses for premium reimbursements, Providers should select the Premium Expense account, even if it shows $0.00 dollars available.

How do I cancel a reimbursement claim I submitted?

Providers can deny their own reimbursement request through the Reimbursement Accounts Consumer Portal or call (833) 714-6028 to have us remove the reimbursement request.

How long will it take me to receive my reimbursement?

It can take up to 30 days, but we are processing claims faster than that now, 7-10 business days.

How long do I have to turn in receipt?

You have 30 days to upload receipts. It is highly encouraged to upload your receipts as soon as possible.

Does premium come out of the Premium or Out of Pocket bucket?

When submitting expenses for premium reimbursements, Providers should select the Premium account, even if it appears empty.

Can you use the debit card to pay a premium ahead of time?

Yes, but only after your first premium is paid.  We need your monthly premium billing statement so that we can load the correct amount on your card.

If I have a hospital bill, can I pay with the card the balance due?

It is important to remember that this program works with your insurance plan.  Your insurance carrier will tell you what your portion of a medical procedure is your responsibility.  You can pay your portion/responsibility with your debit card. You should not attempt to pay more than your eligible expense to avoid claim denial.

If my dentist prescribes medication, can I use the card to pay for the prescription at the pharmacy, even if dental services are not covered?

No, dental expenses are not covered by this program.

What is the turnaround time for suspensions to be lifted?

The turnaround time is ~7business days.

If I have the Medi-Cal Permissible benefit, can I purchase things that are on this list on stores such as Amazon?

Yes, however providers are still responsible to submit a receipt to substantiate the request.

Is Direct Deposit available for reimbursement?

Direct deposit is available in our reimbursement portal for providers. With this convenient option, providers can receive their reimbursement directly to their bank accounts, eliminating paper checks and ensuring faster access to funds. Take advantage of this opportunity and set up direct deposit in the reimbursement portal today to streamline your reimbursement experience.

Why can’t I pay my LA Care premium with my debit card? What are my other options?

Providers with LA Care are unable to pay their premium using the CCCPU debit card because of the Visa merchant code that LA Care assigns and processes their premiums under. This is not a code CCPU can change with LA Care. Providers can do one of the following to ensure their premiums are paid on time:

  1. Pay their premium with their own monies, and submit a request to be reimbursed via check or direct deposit, or
  2. Log into the CCPU Reimbursement Portal and request we send a payment to LA Care on the provider’s behalf up to 15 days before the first of the month and we will mail a check to LA Care to pay your premium.
Can I use the card prior to submitting receipt?

Yes, you may use your card at the time of service to pay for covered services.

Debit Card

How long will it take to receive the debit card?

You will receive your debit card in 7 to 10 days via the USPS once your application is approved and the setup of your benefits is completed.

What is the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Card?

You can use this CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card to pay for your out-of-pocket expenses, such as health plan premiums and permissible health care expenses, when applicable. The card will come from Bancorp Bank.

How do I activate the debit card?

To activate your card, follow the instructions on the card sticker. For activating, you will need your member ID and to sign the back of your card. Your member ID is your CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund ID. You should wait one business day after activation before using your card.

How does the debit card work?

The value of your account is stored on the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa®. When you have eligible expenses at a business that accepts debit cards, you simply use your payment card. The amount of the eligible purchases will be deducted automatically from your account and the funds will be electronically transferred to the provider/merchant for immediate payment.

Is the debit card just like other Visa® Cards?

Your CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card works just like a regular debit card, except:

  • Your card is limited in use, meaning you can only use it for covered medical expenses based on your health plan.
  • You can’t use your card at an ATM or to get cash back when making a purchase.
  • You will not receive monthly bills, and you will not accrue interest.
How many debit cards will I receive?

You will receive one card.

Will I receive a new debit card each year?

No, you will not receive a new CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card each year. If you meet the eligibility requirements for the following plan year and you used the payment card in the current plan year, you will simply keep using the same debit card. The card will be loaded with the amount allowed based on your medical health plan and your eligibility start date.

What if the debit card is lost or stolen?

Call customer service at (833) 714-6028 or email at [email protected]. You should report a card lost or stolen as soon as you realize it is missing so the CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund can turn off your current card and issue a replacement card. Please note that you will not be charged for your initial replacement card, but there will be a $10 fee for any subsequent card replacements.

Where may I use the debit card?

For out-of-pocket expenses, debit cards may be used at participating medical and pharmacy facilities. For permissible health expenses, debit cards may be used at participating medical and pharmacy facilities, as well as wholesale clubs, discount stores, department stores, retail food stores and supermarkets.

Are there places the debit card won’t be accepted?

Yes. The payment will not be accepted at locations that do not offer the eligible goods and services, such as hardware stores, restaurants, bookstores, gas stations and home improvement stores.

If asked, should I select “Debit” or “Credit”?

If you have elected to use a PIN (Personal Identification Number) with your CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card, you should select “Debit” and enter the PIN when prompted. If you are not using a PIN with your debit card, you should select “Credit.” You will be asked to sign for the debit card purchase. As a reminder, you can’t get cash back with this debit card.

Why do I need to save all itemized receipts?

You will be required to submit proof of all your eligible expenses for both debit card swipes and paper form requests for reimbursements, so be sure to keep all your Explanation of Benefits (EOBs) and itemized receipts. Each receipt must show: the merchant or provider name, the service received or the item purchased, the date, and the amount of the purchase.

What if I am asked for the CVV when paying for the balance due or when placing an order by phone or online? What is this and where is it found?

CVV stands for “Card Verification Value.” It is a 3-digit number that can be found on the back of your card to the right of the signature panel.

How do I know how much is in my account?

You can visit your personal Account Summary page to view your account activity and current balance. You should always review your account balance before making a purchase with your payment card.

  1. Go to the CCPU Health Portal
  2. Enter your login ID and password
  3. Click Login
  4. Click on Reimbursement button (Note: This button will only display for Providers who have been approved.)
What if I have an expense that is more than the amount left in my account?

When incurring an expense that is greater than the amount remaining in your account, you may be able to split the cost at the register. We recommend you check with the merchant at point-of-sale. For example, you will need to tell the clerk to use the debit card for the exact amount available in your account and then pay for the remaining balance.

What are some reasons that the debit card might not work at point of sale?

The most common reasons why a payment card may be declined at the point of sale are:

  • The card has not been activated.
  • The card has been used before the 24-hour period after activation is over.
  • You have insufficient funds in your account to cover the expense.
  • Non-eligible expenses have been included at the point-of-sale. (Retry the transaction with the eligible expense only.)
  • The merchant is encountering problems (e.g., coding or swipe box issues).
  • The point-of-sale location cannot verify eligible items at checkout.
Who do I call for questions about the card?

You can call customer service at (833) 714-6028 or email [email protected].

What dollar amount is on the debit card when it is activated?

The dollar amounts vary based on your health plan. There are two separate accounts on your CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card: one for paying your premiums, if applicable, and one for covered out-of-pocket expenses. The 2025 debit card allowance for covered out-of-pocket expenses is $9,450.

For Medi-Cal, you will not be eligible for premium and out-of-pocket expense reimbursements but will have $200 a month available in your account to be used for permissible health expenses. The funds will roll over to the next month if unused but will reset at the end of the planned year.

For Medi-Cal and Medicare, also known as a Medi-Medi Plan, you will not be eligible for premium reimbursement but will have two separate accounts on your CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card: one for paying for covered out-of-pocket expenses and one for permissible health expenses. The 2025 debit card allowance for covered out-of-pocket expenses is $9,450. You will also have $200 a month available in your account to be used for permissible health expenses.

It is important to keep track of your account balance to avoid debit card declines at point of service.

In what ways can I use my CCPU Health Care Reimbursement Fund Debit Visa® Card?

Providers with approved and qualified medical health plans can use this debit card for monthly premiums (see exceptions below) out-of-pocket expenses, and permissible health expenses, when applicable. These expenses include the deductible on your approved medical health plan, copayments, and coinsurance expenses, including covered prescriptions.


  • If you are on Medi-Cal or both Medi-Cal and Medicare, also known as a Medi-Medi Plan, you are not eligible for premium reimbursement.
  • If your family is included on your medical health insurance policy, you may still use the debit card for out-of-pocket expenses, but not for premium payments. You will need to submit a Request for Reimbursement Form to [email protected] for payment of your individual premium.

For additional information on the benefits that are covered based on your medical health plan, please visit the Benefits Page..

Can I use my debit card for Amazon purchases?

You can only use your CCPU debit card for eligible expenses on Amazon if you have Medi-Cal or Medi-Medi as your QHP. Providers with other health plan types cannot use their cards for Amazon, and if a purchase is made, it will be denied and must be repaid to the Fund.

What happens if you fail to submit receipts to verify a charge?

If receipts are not submitted as requested to verify a charge made with the debit card, then the card may be suspended until receipts are received. You may be required to repay the amount charged.

Want to find out if you are eligible?

Want to find out if you are eligible?

When ready, our Eligibility Questionnaire will help you determine if you meet the requirements to apply for benefits. Please fill out the Contact Form to be alerted when the Questionnaire is available.

Am I eligible for CCPU Heathcare Reimbursement Fund benefits?

Answer these simple questions to determine your potential program eligibility.

CCPU Health Care Fund

By signing up, you agree to our privacy policy and terms of use.

To complete your application online, you’ll need proof of coverage for your health plan (a document showing your name as the policyholder, the name of your insurance plan, the coverage period, and the amount you pay for coverage).

If you don’t have an account for the CCPU Health Care Fund portal, you can sign up now with your email address and mobile phone number.

Questions? Call (833) 714-6028 or email [email protected].